Monday, September 15, 2008
New DVD Converter Software Gaining Notoriety
You can convert all your favorite DVDs with just one click. Unlike other software with complex settings and multiple steps, 1CLICK DVD Converter is easy to use. Movie and episode detection is automatic and doesn't require you to preview or try and guess which files to include. Just click the Start button and return to find your DVD converted.
Even though it's easy to use, there are advanced features for those who want more control. A preview window shows you exactly how the converted video will appear on your portable device. There are options to set zoom, resolution and video quality. Switching between mobile devices is as simple as one click. You can even convert a DVD to DivX compatible format.
If you own any one of the mobile devices mentioned in this article, it will be certainly worth your while to investigate 1Click DVD Converter.
Here is a video, if interested.
Click Here To Learn More About 1Click DVD Converter
So You Want a Web Presence
Understandably, it appears to be an overwhelming and confusing task. Questions arise as to how much will it cost and how long will it take. I am here to tell you, it is not as bad as some make it to be.
Part of the confusion comes about because many newcomers meld "Why Do I Want a Web Presence" to "How Do I Get a Web Presence." Both are separate processes.
Regarding the "Why" involves decisions as to what you will do with your Website: Sell products or services, create a blog, create a personal or family website (non-commercial), etc. Once you determine the "Why" part, then you can move into the "How."
So, how do you get a Web Presence?
Well, it involves a process. That process involves:
1. Researching and Registering A Domain Name
2. Getting a Host Provider
3. Designing a Website
I will explain each process in more detail and highlight reasonable cost expectations.
Researching a Domain Name
A domain name is that,,, and names that people type into a web browser. If you are serious about making money online, I highly recommend that you get your own domain name. There are several good reasons for this: (1) They are cheap and easy to get, as opposed to several years ago. A dotcom ( domain name will cost you anywhere from $9.99/year to $35/year (depending on where you shop).
This annual fee is akin to renting; as long as you pay the annual fee, the domain is yours and no one else can get it. You also have the option of "renting" or "registering" your domain in 2, 3, 5, or 10 year pops rather than 1 year.
Your first step is to conduct research to see if the domain you want is available. This is very easy to do. You can go to or HostGator and use their search tool. The search tool will tell you if the domain name you want is available. Be advised that every name in the English dictionary is taken, you will have to use your imagination when doing your research. If possible, try to keep your domain names as short as reasonably possible. Too, choose one that is memorable.
Once you have researched your domain name and found that it is available, you will need to find a host provider.
The Host Provider
Host providers are those companies who are magically connected to the Internet. They are the ones who will hold or "host" your website files (html, gifs, jpeg, etc). They rent - on a monthly basis - space on their servers. If you will have a small website, you will rent one of their smaller and cheaper packages. If you will have a very large website, you will rent one of their more expensive packages. For most, the cheaper hosting packages will suffice.
What can you expect to pay for hosting? Anywhere from $4.99/month to $59.00/month (or more for very large websites). As you can see, hosting really is not that expensive either; if you select a cheaper hosting package.
How does hosting work? Well, you purchase a hosting package, the host provider will provide you will login information to your hosting account (also known as server space), you log in, and upload your webpages to your server. That's it!
Bringing The Domain Name and Hosting Together
So far you have seen that you need a domain and a host provider as the first two steps to getting a web presence. The best part is that you can do all of the above in one place. You can research a domain, register a domain, and purchase hosting from one place:
GoDaddy is the service I most recommend because they make it very easy; plus, their hosting packages are very reasonable and their service is reliable.
You now have one more step to complete before you will have a web presence.
Designing a Website
Having a domain name and hosting will do you know good if there is nothing uploaded to your server. Thus, you will need a website. Understand that having a domain name is not the same as having a website. A website are the web page files that you upload to your host server space.
If you do not know how to design a web site, hire someone to design one for you. Looking in the local phone book or newspaper for a web designer can be expensive. A better and cheaper option is to hire one online from one of the many "Hire-A-Programmer" websites such as Rent-a-Coder or Scriptlance.
All you have to do is go to these websites, sign up for a free account, post your requirement for a web designer, set a bidding price (what you are willing to pay), and web designers from all over the world will compete for your business. You select a web designer and he will start working on your web design project.
The web designer does not get paid until you are satisfied with the work.
You are not limited to hiring just web designers. You can hire persons to create graphic art such as logos and banners. In fact, you can hire programmers to do just about any project you can imagine.
I firmly believe in DIYS (Do It Your Self). Learn how to design your own websites using Frontpage or Dreamweaver. Take a course or purchase an instruction book. Also, learn how to create your own graphics using Adobe Photoshop. These are programs I use in the classes I've taught and I highly recommend learning how to use them if you plan on designing your own websites.
So, there you have it: Researching and Registering A Domain Name, Getting a Host Provider, and Designing a Website will get you a web presence.
Once you have your web presence, all you have to do is get people to visit your site.
I will discuss getting traffic in a subsequent article.
Generate Massive Traffic To Your Website Now!
Well, I have one for you ...
I've teamed up with some great people and put together a report that reveals the traffic trick I've been quietly using.
The report is called the $5 Traffic Trick Report!
This strategy is ESPECIALLY important to those WITHOUT their own opt-in list, because it allows you to get new traffic to your sites daily and produce sales. Without traffic, (from a list or elsewhere), you wont make a dime in internet marketing.
Want to Know More?
Step One: Create a Hubpage or Squidoo Lens.
Step Two: Do this trick.
Step Three: Start Getting Traffic Instantly!
Click on the link below to learn how you can start using this trick right now!

How To Cloak, Hide, Shorten and Manage Your Affiliate URLs
To answer that question look at the affiliate link below:
All a person has to do is bypass the affiliate code portion of this URL and select:
and be taken to the same website and you don't get a commission if that individual makes a purchase.
Now, if you cloak or hide that affiliate URL, such a thing would not be possible. Thus, if you shortened:
to, for instance ...
There is no way the affiliate link can be bypassed because it has been cloaked.
The reason why you want to shorten your affiliate URLs is because: <-- IS NOT Search Engine Friendly.
While ... <-- IS Search Engine Friendly.
The Free cloaking tool that lets you cloak (hide), shorten, track, and manage your affiliate URLs is called HopURL.
HopURL also lets you track conversion rates (Number of People Who Visit Your Website to the Number of People Who Click on Your Affiliate URL).
I like it too, because I dont have to remember all of my affiliate URLs. I can manage them all from one place.
So, if you have affiliate links, you want to look at this free tool.
I have prepared a video for you. Enjoy!
How To Cloak, Hide, Shorten and Manage URLs With HopURL

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
One Referral + One Credit Offer = $40 Cash For You
I am a firm believer that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't. However, if anything comes close to breaking that norm, it is the Zero2Riches program.
I signed up last month just to see what the hype was all about. I satisfied an easy (really easy) 1 Credit requirement by trying a few trial offers and I referred a few people into the program; these were people I did not know. They were visitors to one of my websites and they saw the banner and clicked on it.
To my surprise I made $240 in two days! It cost me nothing.
Now, I have made it easy on myself and those interested in this program: Now that I have satisfied the 1 Credit product trial offer (which will never change), all I have to do is refer people and it they satisfy their 1 Credit offer - which takes less than 15 minutes - I get paid $40; deposited directly into my Paypal account.
My best day so far has been 10 sign-ups ($400 in one day). The program is truly incredible.
Once I bring individuals into the Zero2Riches program, I help them satisfy their 1 Credit requirement where it costs them nothing. It takes them about 15 minutes. Then, I teach them how to refer others so that they too get paid $40 each time they make a referral.
One of my referrals out did me and made 14 referrals in one day totaling $560 in one day and she has not looked back since.
You don't have to take my word for it. All you have to do is "Google" it and you will see all the positive buzz about the Zero2Riches program.
If you are strapped for cash and need money quickly, then you really really owe it to yourself to get involved with the Zero2Riches program.
It costs you nothing to join.
Check it out.
I have placed a convenient form below that will set you in the right direction.
Or go to

Labels: how to make money online, zero2riches
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Complaint That's an Attack
The body of the email read:
I am tired of receiving messages containing malicious computer programs (viruses) from your e-mail address!!!
If within 1-2 days you do not stop sending messages to my e-mail address, I will have to address this issue to the Police!...
Today I received a hard copy of your data logs from my Internet service provider. The copy contains your IP address, logs of sending malicious programs and your e-mail address details...
I am sending you the copy of the document containing your data and logs of sending malicious programs as the proof of your fault!!!!!!
You must print the document containing the list of your data and logs of sending malicious programs and pass it on to your Internet service provider with, so that they could find out why the viruses are sent from your computer to my e-mail address!!!!
Ask your Internet service provider to resolve this problem!!!!
Do this now!!!
Once again!!! If you don't stop sending the letters, I will address to the Police and file a lawsuit against you!!!
The email contained an attachment, if unzipped, contains an executable. DO NOT run the executable. In fact, delete the entire file and get it off your PC. This is a virus.
These are scam artists attempting to scare you that their complaint is real.
First of all, an ISP would never send you or anyone else an executable file.
If you buy into this scam and open that executable, your computer will get infected. How do you remove this menace? Well, the virus is new so the best thing I can advise is to update your antivirus and antispyware application and scan your computer.
Once I get a solution, I will get it out to you.
The best way to keep informed is subscribe to my mailing list.

Labels: iplogs virus, virus information
Sunday, September 7, 2008
How To Convert Your Movie Files to DVD
This week I reviewed 1Click DVD Movie. What is it and what does it do?
Well, if you have movie files that you made from your camcorder or movie files you downloaded somewhere on the the Internet, and you would like to burn them to DVD or to CD (to create Video CDs), you can with 1Click DVD Movie.
1Click DVD Movie can take AVI, DivX, XviD, MPEG1, MPEG2, QuickTime, ASF, WMV and XP Media Center files, transcode them, and burn them to DVD or CD.
Any of the supported movie files mentioned above that you burn to CD will create a Video CD (VCD) or Super Video CD (SVCD) that will play in any home entertainment DVD player.
Obviously, if you elect to burn these to DVD, then you create a DVD movie disc.
With 1Click DVD Movie, you can create menus to make your production look very professional.
Did I mention that 1Click DVD Movie is very easy to use? Check out the video below and see for yourself.
Labels: ASF, AVI, burn dvds, copy dvds, DivX, dvd copy, how to copy dvds, MPEG1, MPEG2, QuickTime, WMV and XP Media Center files, XviD
Friday, September 5, 2008
Viewzi, Another Search Engine, But A Cool One!
I am still very partial to Google, yet I kept migrating over to Viewzi. So, what specifically does Viewzi do?
Well, upon entering a search term or phrase, Viewzi presents you with options ob how you want to view the research results. Such as:
* Celebrity Photo View
* Web Screenshot View
* Simple Text View
* Viewzi News View
* Video x3 View
* Basic Photo View
* 3D Photo Cloud View
* Site Information View
* 4 Sources View
* The Weather View
* Album View
* MP3 Search View
* Everyday Shopping View
* Amazon Book View
* TechCrunch
* Recipe View
Choosing one of the above views will give you different results, culled from different places. For instance, the Video x3 View will give you three strips of videos that match the words you searched for. It pulls in results from places like Veoh and YouTube. The really cool thing is that in those strips, the thumbnails are animated.
Viewzi is amazing when shopping, because it will do the work FOR you. It searches places like eBay and Amazon and brings you only results that really work for you. It will fit your needs better than what Google does.
Viewzi will change the way you view your search results.

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Why Do Most Network Marketers Fail?
Network marketing is Simple, but doing it the old way (i.e. cold calling people) is NOT easy.
Don't kid yourself!Let me explain my view of why network marketing is notorious for having a 95% or higher failure rate..
Have you ever heard of Occam's razor?
It states that the simplest explanation for a phenomenon is usually the best. We'll use this theory to explain why more than 95% or more network marketers fail.
Most network marketers fail because the marketing methods that they are taught don't work 95% or more of the time. So we're led to ask the next logical question, what are most fledgling network marketers taught?
Well, I can only speak from my experience, but what I was taught was to buy and cold call leads.
Now, I'm not going to say this doesn't work, but I will say is that after six months of cold calling leads for 3 hours a day with very little success this tactic doesn't work for me.
Honestly, unless you're natural born confident sales leader going into your network marketing career you'll probably have these same results.
Don't get me wrong some people are very good at cold calling leads, but most people aren't.
What happens to most people after they've spend thousands of dollars on leads with very little success after months of effort?
They run out of money. They get burned out and then . . .
They give up.
Another important factor contributing to why most network marketers fail is the type of leads they buy.
Why does the type of leads network marketers use make a difference?
Well . . .
Business opportunity leads, the leads most new network marketers are told to use, are generic. These leads answer an ad that just asks them if they want to be financially free or make money from home or something like that.
Well . . . of course they do!
But that doesn't mean they want anything to do with YOUR network marketing program.
When the average network marketer calls these generic business opportunity leads the leads don't know anything about the network marketer's business and for the most part honestly don't care.
This leads to the fledgling network marketer hearing a lot of "NOs".
Hearing NO all the time leads to quite a bit of self doubt, both about the network marketer's own ability and the validity of their association with their network marketing company.
Negative feelings begin to harbor and as I said before eventually the network marketer gives up, usually within 3-6 months.
The fledgling network marketer's perception of their business goes from one of opportunity to one of complete doubt and negativity.
Reality follows perception, so because the fledgling network marketer believes both themselves and their business as having little hope this becomes TRUE.
That's basically why 95% of network marketers fail if you asked me.
Tried Network Marketing before and failed? It's not your fault. My friend, Daegan, has stumbled on to something that I have implemented in my online business and I am certain it will help you as well. He was able to place over 4,120 people in his down-line in 14 short months, while pocketing over half-a-million dollars. I am not kidding here. I am very serious. Now he has honed his SYSTEM into an idiot-proof step-by-step can't fail, never-cold-call-again recruiting machine on steroids! He'll even PAY YOU to check it out. So what are you waiting for! Check it out ... |

The Real Secret Of Network Marketing Success
Network marketing is not easy. I will not lie. But, in saying that there is a little known way to absolutely ensure your success.
This secret is seldom used yet for those that do hold true to the principle that I am about to outline you simple cannot fail. That's right your success is 100% guaranteed.
Before we get to the secret let's do a little ground work to set the stage for HUGE and quick success in network marketing.
The level of success and freedom in life that network marketing offers to the average person is unlimited and that's the appeal, but there are some ways to help ensure that success occurs for you as quickly as possible.
Most people jump into a new home business on a hope and dream.
They look at the compensation plan and the testimonials involved with the network marketing company that they are about to join and see the vision.
They say "Man ... IF I max out this plan I'll be making $40,000 a month and I'll never have to work again! Let's give it try!"
They fill themselves up with anticipation for the windfall of cash that is on the way and they sit back and wait for the money to come to them.
Then a month later after they go through a few trails and try a few things unsuccessfully they say ... "Why isn't this working?"
Then the next month when they put in half the effort they put in their first month and nothing happens again they quit and say they were scammed.
My question to you is . . . were they scammed?
You see, before you start any Network Marketing business you have to do a little bit more homework than just look at the compensation plan and the testimonials. You have to really research what you are about to get yourself into.
What type of research do you have to do? What questions should you ask?
Here they are:
- How long has the company been around?
- What is the product?
- Is the product unique?
- Does the product have mass appeal?
- Is the product a front runner in an emerging market?
- Can you become passionate about the product?
- Does the business have a powerful marketing system in place?
- Who are the successful people in this business?
- What are the successful people doing to create that success?
- Is the product something that the majority of the public can afford?
- Am I personally financial stable enough to start a new business?
- What type of a monthly marketing budget will I have to set aside to be successful?
- What are the conversion statistics for the marketing process?
- Is the business truly duplicable?
- What would be my break even point?
- Is there a way to make money quickly with this business or is there a way that I can create a quick income in marketing this business?
- Etc.
You see it's not just the opportunity that has to be correct. You TOO have to be correct for the opportunity and you have to be in a financial position to take advantage of the opportunity at hand.Way too many times I see people joining my business that jump in on a hope and a dream.They have barely enough money to pay for there monthly membership commitment and yet they still want to know the fastest way to grow their business for FREE.
When people get caught up in the emotion of opening the possibility for more in their life sometimes they don't think clearly. They think if they can just get themselves in they will get rich.
It's not just about getting yourself in.
It's about getting yourself in and putting yourself in a position to be able to fully maximize the opportunity at hand.
I get asked the following WRONG question all the time.
"How long until I make money?"
It's not about how long until you make money it's about what you have to do to make money.
The truth is you could put yourself in a profitable situation tomorrow or today, but it would take resources and a good deal of learning to know how to do it.
The truth is, the fast way is never the FREE way. It's either going to take you a good deal of money to put yourself in a profitable position or a good deal of education and leverage, and most of the time both.
There is no luck factor.
You don't earn money until you are worth of the income you produce. As the great Earl Nightingale always says "You have to be worth more than you are getting paid for your income to grow."
This is the natural state of all things and it's not going to change. In order for your inc0me to grow you must grow.
Now . . .
Let me back up for a second to say that you CAN create a large amount of success in Network Marketing for free, but not until you know how.
If you don't have the answer to this question of how to create a large amount of success for free now and it is a burning desire for you learn how to do this, then get out there and do the necessary leg work and research to get yourself into to the position in which you can grow your network marketing organization for FREE.
Enough of this banter . . .
If you want to have HUGE success in Network Marketing quickly you will need to of course obtain or create a powerful marketing system that is highly duplicable. If you want do this on the internet here are the critical factors that you should look for in the least:
- A high power lead capture page
- A strong follow up email system that incorporates the fear of loss.
- A direct marketing style website that sells so you don't have to.
- Let's talk about the secret that will absolutely guarantee that you succeed in Network Marketing.
Well remember when I gave the example above of the typical mindset for people entering into network marketing?
They say:
"Man ... IF I max out this plan I'll be making $40,000 a month and I'll never have to work again! Let's give it try!"
All we have to do is change one word in this statement to give you the little know secret to guaranteeing you network marketing success.
Change the word "IF" to "WHEN"
Don't make it a possibility to succeed in network marketing make it a conviction.
It's the people that see the compensation plan and do all the research that I've noted above and then say to themselves that it's only a matter of time until they max out their compensation plan that truly and always without a shadow of a doubt succeed.
Network marketing is not something that works part of the time or if your lucky. It always works as long as you do everything in your power to make it work.
Set a goal in your network marketing business and don't stop until you get there and you WILL get there. I guarantee it.
Discover how to earn a whopping $4,567,09 per month in your spare time even if nobody joins your MLM business. Forget cold calling. Forget those home meetings. In fact, forget everything you've ever been taught about building a solid income in Network Marketing from the "gurus". Let this 25-yr "unknown" marketer show you how he built an organization of over 4,120 in 14 short months without making one phone call!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Google Chrome - New Browser Giving IE a Run For The Money
This is a bold move by Google that could (and probably will) knock Internet Explorer off it's lofty perch.
Google's new browser, named "Chrome" was realized on September 2, 2008; and from preliminary inputs, it is off to a very promising start.
I installed it today and it looks and feels great. It will take a slight learning curve - all things new do.
There a few differences within Google Chrome that depart from your typical browser experience: (1) Instead of giving you a separate address bar and search box, Chrome combines the two. (2) You can create tabs to keep several pages open at the same time. The "new tab" page displays thumbnails of sites you visit often and lists recently bookmarked sites. (3) You can create shortcuts to any web-based program and leave them on your PC desktop, the Windows Start Menu, or Quick-Launch bar. (4) Chrome also lets you browse "incognito." That is, in a stealth-mode. Cookies of all of your sessions are not saved on your PC.
I highly recommend that you download Google's Chrome and give it a spin.
You may download it at

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